Driving home today I was thinking a lot about cars, and how mine has gotten me through some shit, albeit it's not in the hottest aesthetic conditions. Someone would need a chisel to even write 'WASH ME' on the windows. Oh well. Cars. Metal. Dirt. Detroit. Michigan. You know how it goes.
Detroit, Michigan. Ann Arbor. I've never been, but I'd like to. If anything else, to be in the city where my second nickname, Motown, first came about would be truly an experience. I yield the city respect. Whenever I used to read about Iggy Pop's influences and how he would always mention noise and sounds of metal, humms and drones, screetches, the harshness of the automotive industry based city - it always allured me and guided me in the direction that perhaps there is something truly special and amazing underneath the filth. Not that filth is bad, I mean come on, I live in Los Angeles and all I can ever think about is Repo Man or Blade Runner.

So yeah, Im dedicating the following songs to Detroit. Ann Arbor. Michigan scum bags - you too are my friends. Strangers to me. But god damn man, you guys really thrash it up.
Enjoy the mix!
The Stooges - Death Trip [original mix]
The Stooges - No Fun
MC5 - Future Now
MC5 - Borderline
Negative Approach - I'll Survive
Negative Approach - Dead Stop
Negative Approach - Live Your Life
Repulsion - Black Breath
Repulsion - Slaughter of the Innocent
Wolf Eyes - Rotten Tropics
Wolf Eyes - Stabbed in the Face
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